Monday, September 8, 2008

Medical Advisor Journals----Heart Diseases--- Articles Written By Friends and Health Experts

How to Lower Your Cholesterol With Natural Remedies
By Dianne M. Buxton Platinum Quality Author

There are several ways that you can reduce your high cholesterol. Understanding that cholesterol is healthy and necessary to our body chemistry is important.

The problem is, eating the right essential fatty acids that our liver converts to brain hormones that give us a feeling of well being, and other hormones we need. Being aware of your cholesterol intake is very important. But we don't "eat" cholesterol. We eat foods that go through many conversions in our body. If you want to make yourself more aware and eat wisely, then you will succeed at improving your health, both mentally and physically.

If you are one of those who have the desire to lower your cholesterol, you may do so by modifying your diet as the first resort. One of the things that you can do to reduce your cholesterol is to cut back on the dairy products. Why? It reduces your intake of omega 6 fatty acids, which produce inflammation in the body. Then the inflammation produces degenerating conditions, aging conditions like heart disease, high blood pressure, ulcerative colitis, stroke, cancer and Alzheimer's, just a few.

How does a bowl of oatmeal sound? Well, here is the real secret to eating oatmeal. You need to buy whole organic oats, if possible. Not cut oats but whole grain. And next you need a coffee grinder, the small kind. You are going to eat fresh-made oatmeal so that you actually benefit from the fresh vitamins and minerals in it. Cut oats, sitting in a box in the supermarket, even the health food supermarket, is dead food. So, grind grains that fill the top of the coffee grinder. This will make cereal for two. Boil 8 oz. of water, then turn it off. Stir in the ground oats with 1/2 teaspoon of sea salt - the Celtic Sea Salt variety which contains many minerals and can be bought in any health food store. Cover and let sit for 5 minutes. Then serve, add a little real maple syrup and you will not believe how yummy this is. And wonderful on a cold winter morning.

Not only is this the least expensive way to eat grains, but it is the most delicious. Your kids will love it, your spouse will love it and your parents will love it.

Like to fry a lot of foods? Sorry to say, but there is a lifestyle change to make here. Your best choice is to just give it up. Get your oils in your salads, fresh omega 3 rich fish once or twice a week - like salmon, tuna, and mackerel. I really think micro-managing how you fry is just a waste of time. But do not forget that good lean meat with a little saturated fat, and butter also, are good for you, in controlled quantities. And egg yolks cooked soft, provide excellent nutrients for the brain chemicals that lessen or prevent depression.

You may also consider exercising as another way to reduce the cholesterol in your diet. There are cardio exercises that you may do that will reduce the cholesterol in your blood as well. Brisk walking and jogging are considered to be good cardio exercises. There are many other exercises that you may consider. Interval or Pace training is great. Slow Burn is spectacular. And the many other benefits you get from exercise are too many to list here! It's a great approach to lowering your cholesterol.

With all of the ways to lower your cholesterol level, one of the easiest ways to do it is to take a purified fish oil supplement daily. It is all in what you eat, and what you decide to do as far as exercising and reducing the cholesterol in your blood.

Get your purified fish oil to prevent or help manage high blood pressure, arthritis, add, diabetes, menopause, heart health,depression, joint pain and more. Dianne M. Buxton is a mother, writer, and a ballet teacher, interested in anti-aging nutrition and lifestyles.

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